Booking Process with vouchers Enter the numbers of the checks to be validated:Guided Visit Voucher(s)Restaurant Voucher(s)DATE AND HOUR(Required)Visit our reservation page to check free days and hours and tell us the date and desired hour.LANGUAGE(Required)(You can check more than one) CATALAN SPANISH ENGLISH Do you want to add visitors without a gift voucher to the reservation?How many?Adults Quantity Price: 24,00 € Quantity Without vermouth tasting Quantity Price: 19,00 € Quantity +65 years Quantity Price: 22,00 € Quantity 7-17 years Quantity Price: 9,00 € Quantity Children (0-6 years) Quantity Price: 0,00 € Quantity Do you want to add additional "tapas" to the tasting (not included in the gift voucher)?Tell us the quantities. (Individual portions).Sausages Quantity Price: 4,50 € Quantity Anchovy "Gildas" Quantity Price: 4,70 € Quantity Boquerone "Banderillas" Quantity Price: 4,70 € Quantity Cheese selection Quantity Price: 6,75 € Quantity Additional total amount If your gift voucher does not include a restaurant for after the visit and you want to make a reservation, let us know.More info and menus at necessary. Subject to availability. Closed on working Mondays and Tuesdays).Restaurant Yes, I want to book at Gastro Botànic & Co. CONTACT INFO(Required) First Last Phone(Required)E-mail(Required) Additional commentsConsent(Required) I agree with the Privacy PolicyEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.